Thinking like an economist
A few months back one of my colleagues sent me the following email:
Dear dismal scientists (all you econ prof’s too)
I am happy to report that after going to my tax accountant Wed night, this dismal scientist reduced his tax burden by $12,000 by divorcing the love of my life (I was expecting as high as 15K)
As a result, we will be sending you postcards from Hawaii, Fl or where ever. The only downside is that when we get re-married, Leslie wants a destination wedding. I told her that Lawrence is a destination. She had no sense of humor.John
And here’s Justin Wolfers:
Because Betsey and I earn similar incomes, we would pay a marriage penalty. The U.S. has a household-based taxation system which subsidizes married families when one person stays home and taxes most people extra if they choose to marry and both work full-time. The average tax cost of marriage for a dual-income couple is $1,500 annually. When our accountant ran the numbers for us a few years back we discovered marriage would cost us substantially more. I love Betsey and all, but is the marriage certificate worth thousands of dollars annually? I can love her plenty without the certificate. But this isn’t just about a bean-counter saving his beans. Truth is, I find it offensive that the tax man treats me differently according to a very private decision””whether I marry or not. And so I prefer to remain unmarried, at least in the eyes of the tax man.
I agree with Wolfers, and yet I am married. Can you guess why?
By the way, both the Dems and GOP support me and my wife having to pay far more in taxes than Wolfers and his partner–even with identical incomes. It’s not even controversial in Washington. And yet nearly 100% of Americans are outraged when they find out about the marriage penalty. Most don’t even know why it exists, why their reps support it.
Just one more reason why academics should pay no attention to “public opinion” polls. There is no such things as public opinion, there is only election results. No one knows what Americans would believe about Medicare if that sat down with all the government programs and tax revenues in a spreadsheet front of them, and told they had to equate the NPV of all future taxes with the NPV of all future spending. We simply don’t know. And anyone who argues otherwise isn’t thinking deeply enough about the issue.
Whether you want more or less money spent on Medicare, I guarantee that I can frame a poll question that gets the result you want.