My recent AEI podcast with Jim Pethokoukis
David Beckworth and Lars Christensen have new posts discussing Jim Pethokoukis’s recent support for some key some market monetarist positions. Yesterday I did a nearly hour long interview with Jim. The link is here.
Also check out Jim’s piece on Robert Hetzel’s excellent new book.
9. August 2012 at 07:27
Scott, I am afraid your link does not work.
9. August 2012 at 07:40
if you cut and paste the http text from the post into the browser, the link works (see below, i got it to work). However, the underlying html points to a Bentley mail account which redirects to the ricochet feed. thankfully (i think), i cannot login in to the mail account.
9. August 2012 at 08:38
Try again.
9. August 2012 at 09:06
I can access scott’s email!
9. August 2012 at 09:18
Apart from some Adam and Eve trinkets, nothing to see.
9. August 2012 at 10:24
That’s a great 50 minutes of econtalk…er, ricocheting, Scott. You really covered a bunch of ground.
Don’t be surprised if you get contacted by a Seattle radio talk show host.
9. August 2012 at 10:29
The podcast did feel a bit like Econtalk. You were quite clear this time throughout, with some arguments I’ve not heard.
9. August 2012 at 18:56
Another TV appearance in the offing (now that he’s got so much more time on his hands)? I still say he should get in touch with Learn Liberty. (Hell, get in touch with DemocracyNow! whilst you’re at it.)